Sunday, April 11, 2010

Empty Nesters

Yesterday Maureen and I had breakfast with both sets of our parents (hers are visiting from Chicago). Although everyone was genuinely excited BBV, the conversation quickly turned to how AWESOME it was no longer having children in the house. Both sets of parents looked at me with those eyes (you know what I am talking about- the eyes that scream you have NO IDEA about the shit storm you are entering), while high-fiving each other (actually the dads "fist-pumped") about their new freedom: they can do whatever they want, they have more money, they get to travel, they get to be ALONE.

And while I am sure these four don't regret having children (I mean we are pretty fantastic), it is nice to see the "life after kids." Doesn't look so bad! Especially as Maureen and I sipped another cup off coffee when the breakfast check came and tossed it over to the older folk who have "so much extra money."

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