Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Not a great lunch date

On Saturday my mom and I took Paul out for a day of shopping and lunch.
We had lunch at this cute, quaint, quiet place, the Old Stone Church in Castle Rock.

I never noticed how quiet this restaurant actually is until I had a baby who likes to communicate through screeching at the top of his lungs. Paul has a very distinct Pterodactyl-like scream. I tried to distract him by giving him a spoon. He showed me who is boss by banging the spoon on the table while simultaneously yelling like a dinosaur.

Check please.


  1. I always thought this would be a cute Sunday brunch place. Good to know that its one that will be visited without the Ty man.

  2. i love my little teradactyl (sp?) scene maker!

  3. I say... scream baby scream,, this is what life is about.. your are the cutest, smartest, loudest, handsomest... bestest baby in the whole wide world.. and if those crabby old ladies have a problem w/ it.. well the Hell w/ them xoxo Granny "Annie/GG
    Pizza Hut .. here we come.


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