Thursday, October 13, 2011


I went to see Jonathan Franzen last week (the author who had a little dispute with Oprah about being part of her book club. Who fights with Oprah?) and he is bizarre. Smart, interesting, intriguing, but weird. This was a book talk where the author talks for a bit and then opens up the forum for questions. The things audience members want to know about authors is absolutely hysterical.

My mom has retired. Now she lunches. She is a lady who lunches. She also noted that sometimes she breakfasts. And goes on weekend getaways. She makes retirement look REALLY good. Only 22 more years.

I just finished the book, Before I go to Sleep. It was terrifying. I couldn't read it when Ryan wasn't home. It wasn't the best book I had ever read, but it certainly struck a nerve.

My mom and I took Paul to the Littleton Historical Museum where he was obsessed with the cows, sheep, and pigs. However, he was scared of the turkeys.

Paul is also obsessed with pointing out basketball hoops and saying "beep beep" every time he sees a car. Think about driving with this boy. It is a constant streaming of "basketball" and "beep beep." Cute? Yes. A little much? I'm afraid so!


  1. I am putting together an inservice on retirement.. for a mere $400-3 credits ( you know, you can get your teacher's license renewed) I will teach you how to do breakfast, lunch or dinner. OHH OHH.. maybe I will collect some data and have you create a pie .. OR bar graph.... ohhh maybe i will put up some chart paper and you can record the pros an cons of each OHHHH .. maybe I will have you divide your self into personality groups and decide which meal "you are" ohhhhh we could do a jigsaw activity ohhhhh we could do a thiink/pair/share activity...
    xoxo Ann ( fluent in sarcasm)
    ps and the best part of retirement is being able to spend time w/that babe and his mom (we haven't collected any data but it's obvious he is an amazing child)

  2. OH My and how could I forget? I can put all the reasons I love retirement in a tree map.. or a circle map or I can compare working vs retirement in a double bubble.... or.. I just think I'll go to lunch :)

  3. to ann....told you it was bliss!


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