Tuesday, December 10, 2013

He's ONE.

 I just don't have the words to explain the feelings about my BABY turning ONE.  First, pretty sure this was the fastest year of my life.  Second, Charlie is the sweetest little love who is so handsome that he was mistaken yesterday TWICE for a girl.  This is not good, but I can't care.  We had a small party with our families especially in comparison to Paul's first birthday.  But it was nice and Paul loved opening Charlie's presents for him and showing him how to play with them.  He continues to be a good director of how and when Charlie should be able to play with his new toys. 

My mom bought Charlie a little Charlie Brown doll and it is adorable how he snuggles up to Charlie Brown and sleeps with him. 

 He smashed up his cake, got blue icing everywhere and had to have a costume change into his pajamas.  He is a pretty legit walker/runner although about 5 minutes behind his brother.  Lord help me when they can run the same speed. 

When I was pregnant with Charlie I got myself a little worked up (as pregnant ladies do) about how this new boy would fit into our family.  What would Paul think?  How would we do it all?  Can you love number 2 as much as number 1.  And of course, I could have really used all that time worrying about something useful because Charlie fits into our family just perfectly.  And we couldn't love him more. 

Happy Birthday sweet man.  I can't believe how much you've grown up in a single year. 

December 10, 2012

December 10, 2013


  1. Happy birthday sweet little boy! Love him!

  2. He is positively adorable! It is so bittersweet this time around isn't it? On one hand you're so excited for what's in store as your boy continues to grow. But on the other hand... no more baby. ::sniff, tear:: Oh, and my son was mistaken for a girl plenty of times and now my girl is mistaken for a boy. WTF? Anyway, happiest of birthday's to sweet Charlie. And congrats to you and dad for surviving year one with two! ;0)

  3. loved this post.. so precious… so glad Charlie is in all of our lives !!

  4. so so so sweet! i want to cuddle this little boy!
    cant believe that someday vivi will be one!

    xoxo love you momma!

  5. He is precious!! Love all these pics ❤️❤️❤️

  6. So, so sweet. I especially love the last picture of him kissing you. So precious!


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