Here is some of my newly purchased music. Lets just remember that I teach yoga sculpt and need to pump up my crowd, so don't judge too much. You can share your songs too if you are that disgusted. (Ryan).
I don't even think I like Taylor Swift, but I like this song.
I love Ed Sheeran and his crazy red hair. I can't help it.
This song we played during a cardio burst in yoga and people worked hard.
I mean who doesn't love Adam Levine? After I saw him on Jimmy Fallon I'm obsessed.
I cannot get enough of this one. I LOVE LOVE when I catch this song on the radio in the car. It improves my drive 100%.
What is on your playlist? I'm always looking for something to add!
I am weirdly into the song Riptide by Vance Joy right now. But usually I'm super out of the loop on music so checking some of these out!