Thursday, November 13, 2014

Stocking Stuffers

I think the best thing about Christmas is the stocking.  It is fun to find little things that a person would love but probably wouldn't but for themselves.  I even wrap every one of my stocking presents to make the process longer.  I am my mother.

But lets be honest.  Boy stockings are just not as exciting as girl stocking.  It is too bad I have no girls to deal with.  But let me tell you, I will probably win my daughter in-laws over with my stocking stuffing skills one day. #truth

If someone had to (cough, Ryan, cough) put a stocking together for me, here are some suggestions. You are welcome ahead of time.

Is this the cutest thing you have ever seen?

If these don't scream New Year's Eve, I don't know what does! 

I love candles because they really mask the dog and boy smell of the house.  

This mug would probably make my coffee taste better 

If you don't love a monogram, you have big problems! 

Wouldn't say no to these beauties

Nail polish is a nice treat! 

Everyone loves some cute stationary !

And this cute sign won't fit in my stocking, but it could go right next to it and would look great in my dining room! 

There you have it!  Anything you love to put in stockings??


  1. Can you put tinted windows in my stocking?

  2. Checking out what was in the stockings was always an afterthought around here. First there was the mad dash to see what Santa brought, then opening presents under the tree. The stockings were by the fireplace in another room, so everyone forgot about them until everything else was opened and played with for awhile. Then someone would jump up and yell "THE STOCKINGS!" with a sort of "ha, ha, it's not over yet!" glee. One year Katie wanted a hamster and was really disappointed when there wasn't one under the tree. When she dumped out her stocking, it had rodent food and toys inside. It dawned on her that where there's hamster food, there must be a hamster, so the stocking surprise led to a whole house hunt for her big gift. That same year Ryan had a small box of bb's in his stocking. He found his bb gun in the basement near Katie's hamster. So much fun!


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