Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Weekend

A little blog hiatus which I will explain tomorrow, but I had a great weekend with my two best FRIENDS!!  I think it is hard to realize how much you miss people until you are sitting on the couch, wine in hand and watching the Sex in the City movie.  Again.

Maureen flew in from Texas and we drove to Vail on Friday to visit Tori and new baby Liam. Maureen and I relished in the fact that we did not have to feed a baby or wake up when a baby cried in the night.  Although we were very supportive of the fact that Tori had to do both these things.

We spend much of the time in our pajamas, laying on the couch and laughing hysterically!  The baby was so cute and so well behaved that he can be invited to any future girl's weekend.

 I spent much of my time making Liam smile.  

 Look at those cheeks!  I die. 

 Mountain baby = Mountain snowsuit.  

Can Tori be any cuter?

 Sitting up at 2 months.  So advanced.  

This picture is blurry and not good, but it was the exact moment Maureen found out via Face Time that her in-laws were staying in her guest room while she was gone.  The guest room that she had not cleaned, changed the sheets, etc.  Hilarious.  Sort of! 

Our time was too short with one another, but my soul and spirit are filled up.  These are my people! 

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