Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Weekend Recap

Oh three day weekends.  I adore you!  I am a little sad that September is here and ready, as it really marks the end of my sweet sweet summer.   But I am feeling better about getting into the routine of school/work/where the heck are my kids going and I think after week 3 is over, we will be golden.  We had a great weekend with a good combination of activity and laziness. 

First, I had Thursday off so Paul and I met up with his old friend from his class last year, Sophia.  He loves Sophia.  Talks about her all the time.  She is going to a different school this year, and every day I pick him up he likes to tell me that Sophia wasn't in class that day.  That she must be sick.  I have informed him that she won't be in class ANY day, but when the heart doesn't want to listen, it doesn't listen.

Friday night I took the kids over to my friend Kristi's house who has 3 girls.  One who is 10.  The 10 year old is the sweetest child on the planet and watched/entertained my boys while I ate pizza and drank a beer.  Heaven.  Charlie was so worn out that he fell asleep on the short ride home.  That's a win folks.  

Saturday we went to the pool and then I have no idea what we did.  I guess nothing very exciting. 

Sunday I woke up and participated in our studio's last day of yoga in the park.  Something so fun about moving your practice outside.  Yoga and working on your tan?  Sign me up.  

Later in the day we tried something new and hit up downtown Parker's Brew and BBQ.  Just what it sounds like- music, day drinking and lots of meat on a stick.  Throw in a few bounces houses and the kids were worn out and happy.  
Did I wear this hat all weekend?  Check.  

Met up with our friend Ellie and caught them holding hands.  Let the wedding bells ring.  

Charlie fell asleep on the way home and then didn't want to sleep that much, so I snuck away for a pedicure.  Sorry Ryan!  Sunday night was bro-night so Ryan could draft his fantasy football league and I rented this dumb movie.  I wanted it to be good.  But it really wasn't.  

Monday was a lazy morning with the last day of the pool (tear) and lots of hanging out with the boys.  

How was your weekend?

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