Monday, October 13, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Monday y'all!  We had a great weekend, with fantastic weather Saturday and the kind of weather that makes you want to curl up in a blanket with hot tea and a good book on Sunday.  And when I mean a good book I mean school work, but whatever.  These first two pictures are actually from last week, but are too cute not to share.  I made the boys lunch and Charlie lost his mind when I put him in his high chair.  However, when he sat right next to his big bro at the island he was a happy little camper and ate all his peanut butter sandwich.  This kid is obsessed with peanut butter.  One morning I have him the jar and a spoon and he thought it was Christmas.  When I looked away for ONE second he had his hands in the jar and was basically smearing it all over his face.  And he doesn't discriminate.  He loves almond butter, walnut butter, cashew butter.  Me too my friend.  Me too.  

That same day I put the boys down for a nap, and I was on the couch trying to do a little grading and I had that feeling someone was watching me.  I turned around and spied two little feet hanging over the balcony, NOT sleeping.  Paul thought he was very clever.  Very.  

Friday night I got to have happy hour with my co-worker friends which was SO fun and then we met our friends and their two babes for pizza and more beer.  We had 4 adults and 4 kids.  We are those people now.  They conveniently sat us in a booth in a far away corner, and I think we made it without too much of a scene.  I have no pictures, but you all can just trust me this event occurred.  :) 

Ryan made we watch this hysterical video Saturday morning.  He was inspired to take our morning breakfast up a notch.  He was real proud of himself.  I was semi-impressed and the kids were pissed there was avocado on their pate and a weird red sauce.  But good try Ry!   

After that gourmet breakfast, we met our friends at the Pumpkin Patch!  Charlie died and went to heaven laying and rolling around in corn.  We only found about a pound of that in his diaper once we were home.  

It was a big hit for Batman Paul too! 

Charlie also loved the rubber ducky water races and the petting zoo!  Paul refused to pose for anymore pictures, but he had a great time.

We all took a nap when we got home because the pumpkin patch is hard work and then the boys- Ryan and Steve went out for a beer, while the chumps Ashley and I sat in her basement and tried to entertain 4 children.  Luckily there was Finding Nemo and wine for us, so it was fun.  And Ashley is always the nicest hostess because she has tons of snacks and dips and always gives Paul a chocolate milk which he thinks is very awesome.  However, next time we are leaving to have wine with no children.  Your turn boys.  

Charlie all ready for movie night! 

I love 4 year old girls so much.  Ellie had them draw this beautiful picture of a sun and a beach and sand and lots of other things that only took 20 minutes to explain.  Paul brought Ellie a helicopter of his to play with because, "Ellie is a really good friend of mine" and before we knew it they were playing helicopter school where the Mommy helicopter had to pick up the little boy helicopter from school.  Precious stuff I tell you! 
Sunday morning was filled with yoga, the grocery store, laundry and baseball!   We watched the Broncos, had great naps because it was dark and FREEZING and then went to Ryan's parents house to celebrate Papa's birthday! 

We had a great weekend and it's not quite over because I'm off tomorrow.  We have big plans for the museum with our friends.
How was your weekend?

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