I think most moms feel like they don't have enough time. The things on my never ending list are items such as painting, which you need a good chunk of time to complete AND you do not need (or want) little hands helping you with this chore.
We use breaks from school to really cram in a bunch of stuff. I always try to balance the fun with the no so fun and still try to carve out some hours to sit on the couch and watch DVR.
Here is what we were able to accomplish over fall break:
1. Went to California.
2. Touched up my baseboards. My children LOVE to run their trucks, bikes, cars, who knows what else, into the wall. It was looking trashy. Then 30 seconds after I cleaned everything up, Charlie rammed a toy directly into the baseboard. Someday we will have nice things again.
3. Cleaned the playroom. I got rid of SO MUCH stuff. And yet we still have so much stuff? Paul and I have different breaks, so I did this little task while he was at school. Winning. He of course came home and didn't notice one thing was gone.
4. Took Paul to the dentist to fill the 2nd cavity. Actually Ryan did this because I could not handle it. And it went just as bad the 2nd time as the first. And the next day the dentist called and said Paul had somehow won the raffle from the waiting room for a big stuffed lion. Obviously this win was rigged because they probably felt bad for us and Paul that he screamed his head off for 30 minutes. But he was excited about the lion so maybe he won't hate the dentist for the rest of his life??
5. Carved pumpkins. I thought this would be a fun activity. It was for Ryan and I. Charlie lost interested in about 23 seconds and Paul thought the seeds and guts were disgusting.
6. Celebrated Halloween. Lots of candy around here. Even Charlie tries to sneak some when I'm not looking!
7. Went to the museum of Nature and Science. We met up with other friends to get the wiggles of fall break out. There is so much to to see and the boys LOVE it, I even asked for a membership for Christmas!
8. Binged watched Madam Secretary. After the first episode I wasn't so sure, but after I watched 4 in a row I really like it! Thank you DVR.
9. Had dinner with a friend. Fall break is great opportunity to go OUT to dinner, catch up with friends, have a beer and enjoy the fact you don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn the next day. Even though your children won't get the message.
10. Enjoyed my boys. I love the snuggles on the couch, the building of towers, listening to Paul's 45 minute stories, the slower mornings and just being with my family.
Painting bathroom is on my list for Winter Break (yes, Ryan I am serious). Anything on your house list?
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