On the 3rd of July, we went to the Rockies game which should have included an incredible display of fireworks at the end of some baseball. Guess who did not make it to these incredible fireworks? US. I guess I don't know exactly what we were thinking, have Paul sit for an hour plus on the light rail and then sit at the game for awhile and then sit and wait until it was completely dark and then sit for the fireworks. Paul doesn't like to sit. But we received an A for effort! :) Maybe next year. Or in three years!
Excited to ride the train downtown!
Cotton candy is pretty awesome!
Charlie had fun too!
At one point, Paul started crying because he was over it, and people were cheering, and it was just time for us to get out of there. All of a sudden a man walked down our row. Initially I thought he was confused where his seat was, as there were no seats open in our row. But actually he came to give Paul a brand new baseball! Then he left almost as fast as he appeared. Strangers are so nice. Seriously.
The fireworks we missed! :( But they look so pretty!

Me and my two dudes!
On the actual 4th, our friends met at our house for an early morning round of bloody mary's and mimosas. We hit up the neighborhood parade for a little bit, ran through the sprinklers and then headed over to a BBQ. It was a great day filled with good food and good friends!
Tyson ready to go!
The boys with the firemen!
Picnic time! Can Paul ever look at the camera?
This is what Charlie did! Party animal!
Kathy taught all the kids about using sparklers! They were a big hit and I was only worried twice that Paul was going to bur his face off!
We had a great holiday filled with some of our own traditions! Can't wait for next year!