Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Favorites!

Well I have to say, the thing I am most excited about today is FALL BREAK!! 

In just a few short hours I will be celebrating with a Bud Light.  ONE WEEK off.  No where to be, no one to answer to, just hanging out with my favorite dudes.  Of course I have some plans.  Like get a pedicure.  And clean our baseboards.  Seriously, that is on my list.  But mostly I want to read and play and enjoy the boys!

Good things I've read this week: 
1. This article about firepitting your marriage and children- always saving the "good" stuff for when you have friends over.  This really hit home for me!

2. Bad at something?  Do it anyway! Loved this and it had the "F" word quite a bit!

3. This made me cry.  Be nice to yourself and enjoy life- What the dying really regret.

I read this book in a day and a half.  I couldn't put it down.  It is depressing and amazing all in one! Check it out!!

We are getting a new library in our town which is much needed, and this week they had a special story hour at the site where the new library will go.   The mayor read a story about Construction and then the kids received plastic hard hats and got to dig in little pools of gravel for BOOKS!  Talk about an adventure.  Then they all were lifted up into a bulldozer to honk the horn.  A very good day that combined the two favorites of my children: books and dirt! 

Finally we had parent teacher conferences last night and of course I spent 80 hours looking in front of my closet figuring out what to wear.  Thank the lord I have an iphone and can text mirror pictures of myself to girlfriends for outfit approval.  What did we do before technology??  I was worried the scarf (from Forever 21) was overwhelming, but I rocked it regardless!

Happy Weekend Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. We don't get a fall break here in Florida, whether or school wise! Lucky you.
    Stop by my blog this weekend. I'm giving away a free copy of New Beethoven Dog Movie. Just leave a comment!


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