Monday, October 6, 2014

Weekend RoundUp!

Good morning little sunshines!  Hope you had a wonderful weekend!  Here is what we were up to!
Friday night we made it out with our friends.  We had a great time and even saw some of our former students who now work at this particular establishment.  That is always awkward.  We got home and promptly went to bed because it was 9:30.  #wearecrazy.

Saturday morning we woke up for some yoga and then headed over to our friend Kacy's 1st birthday! How do babies grow so fast?  She looked cute in her pink dress and seemed to enjoy stuffing cake in her mouth.  Charlie stayed close by my side so I wouldn't be tempted to hold, look, glance at other children.  He's a smart cookie.  We came home for naps and when the boys woke up Ryan made them this AWESOME fort.  They stayed down in the basement and watched Toy Story while we were upstairs drinking wine watching Scandal.  It was genius.

Sunday morning we woke up and I took the boys to the grocery story.  The time to get groceries around here is EARLY Sunday morning.  They don't seem to mind because they get a cookie and can ride in the car cart (I want to meet the person who invented the car cart. and it is less busy.  We came home and Paul had a play date with his girlfriend Sophia.  I went to yoga and Target ALONE.  Play dates are amazing.  When I picked Paul up he hugged Sophia and she planted a kiss right on his cheek.  When he told Ryan about the incident he covered his eyes with his hand, as if he knew to be embarrassed.  So cute.  

Sunday afternoon we had a visit from Nana and Papa and then nap times.  I tried to do some school work (gross) while I watched the Bronco game with Ryan.  Paul woke up from his nap and we made cookies.  These cookies were very important.  I didn't have to work on Friday, but Paul had school. When we were getting ready that morning Paul asked me where Charlie was going.  I STUPIDLY replied that he was staying home with me.  Someone was very sad.  Tears in his eyes sad.  So I did what any good mother would do.  I lied.  I told him I was just teasing him.  That of course after we dropped him off at school I was taking Charlie to daycare.  He seem to buy the story but to ensure my lies I told him we could make cookies this weekend, just the two of us.  I am probably going to hell. I called Ryan right after I dropped him off to confess my sins, but I am not sure if that helps my karma in the universe.  Anyway, we made cookies and everyone seemed happy.  

After Charlie woke up we walked to the park for some baseball time, also known as wear the kids out so they'll go to sleep time.  It was actually a perfect end to the weekend.  The air was crisp.  Paul rode his scooter.  Charlie pushed his own stroller with nothing in it and Ryan and I walked calmly with a beer in our hand.

Then it was back home to vacuum, pack lunches, clean up the kitchen, blah blah blah.  I gave the kids baths and they love the towels Aunt Kascie made them.  Paul is "roaring like a Polar Bear" if anyone is wondering!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and good luck tackling Monday! 

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