Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fall Break California Style Part 2

I think I love Santa Barbara so much because it reminds me of my childhood.  Of spending plenty of hours at the beach, playing in the ocean, building intricate sandcastles and feeling that California sun on my back!  

Sunday morning we woke up and had breakfast.  My grandma came to the hotel to join.  It was this morning that Paul declared to me, "Mom?  The truth is, I have to poop."  Well isn't that nice.  After we got all our bathroom problems worked out, we headed to the beach! 

Charlie hated it.  

This one LOVED to be chased by the waves! 

And throw rocks.  Duh

Charlie had a layer of sand on his scalp when we returned.  Beach baby. 

Beautiful weather in Santa Barbara this time of year! 

Sweet Gaz

Gaz and my crew- couldn't convince Paul to stop playing.  Fair enough.

The "kids."  Why am I so short???

My sweet Ry Guy.  Someday I am going to realize that taking a shower before these photo shoots is a good idea.  


Oh and I held handstand on the beach for literally POINT 8 seconds.  Ryan would like everyone to know he should actually get credit for this because he was such an advanced photographer.  

After the beach, we swam around in the hotel pool and had some lunch.  We put the boys down for a MUCH needed nap and my mom and I went on a little driving adventure.  We went to my Grandma Elaine's old house and my Gaz's old house and stopped by the cemetery.  

Ryan called and said we needed to make a beer run so we stopped by Trader Joes and with my beer I accidentally picked up these gems.  TROUBLE.  

After naps we got ourselves together so we could EAT more (is it possible to gain 23 pounds in 48 hours?)!  We went to Beach Side because Ryan LOVES their halibut.  The setting was beautiful

As was this little guy! 

We woke up Monday and had a lazy morning! 

And then had a little more beach time! 

Our flight didn't leave until 4 but we thought the boys would do better if they had a little nap, so we strapped them in and drove around for .4 seconds before they fell asleep. 

I put them in their pjs thinking they could fall asleep on the plane or on the way home since it was very close to bedtime.  Wishful thinking.  We arrived at the airport and had a little movie time and stuffing a banana down our throat time.  

We arrived home and went straight to bed.  Everyone slept in until 8 which is a downright miracle.  A whirlwind of a trip but so fun!!  

It's almost Friday y'all!  I would be happy about that but I am still on fall break so that is mostly sad for this lady! 

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