Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January Goals

I'll be honest.  I did not do a good job with my December goals.  AT ALL.  But it is a new month and a new year and I'm just going to move on.  So... Here are my goals for January!

1. Attend the yoga arm balance workshop my friend Jill is leading.  Support a friend, get upside down and learn something.  I really hope I can work this in my schedule.

2. Paint the bathroom.  I did not do this last month.  I forgot when I am home with my kids I get nothing done.  Anyway, it is on my to do list to buy the paint on Friday so that is a step in the right direction!

3. Pick a color to paint the dining room.  Ryan told me over break that he would paint the dining room (and he wasn't even drunk!) but I had to be in charge of the color.  I'll be thinking about that this month!

4. Take a class from a yoga teacher I have never taken before.  This is a good one for me because although it is a huge bonus my favorite yoga studio is only 5 minutes away, it is a good to branch out a bit!

5. Read 6 books.  This goal is always my favorite every month because it keeps me on track!  It will be hard because it is time to go back to work and I know how exhausting it is, but game on!!

What are your January goals? 

1 comment:

  1. I'm obsessed with gray right now.... I painted three rooms in my current home the same gray and it looks different in each room because of lighting! love it. Also, we are moving and I will paint my bedroom and the dining room soft gray - with teal and red and yellow highlights in the dining room. I'm seriously obsessed.


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